Title Tags

Title tags should always be of 60-70 characters in length. Earlier it was limited till 40-50 characters. The title tag is the most important thing in search ngine optimization as the title tag gives an idea of what is page all about and the content of the page, because of the limitation of the characters theres not much we can do

Rules that one should always keep in mind while using a Title tag:

  1. Have a seperate and distinct page for new topic: One should have different pages for different titles, so as it gets convenient for the users to search what they are looking for 
  2. Do not overdo the granularities: Don't fill the page with many things , For example if one page is names as letter writing then create a seperate page for letter writing services dont club up everything in one page 
  3. Dont reuse the same title tag: Don't use same title tags on one or more pages. 

Summary: There are many other things that comes under Search engine optimizations on page analysis, but the Title tag remains the most important one. The one that is complicated and the one in which people are tend to make mistakes.

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